DPT Program & Course Directors

Program Directors

Amber Fitzsimmons, PT, MS, DPTSc
Program Director
Professor & Chair, UCSF

Jet Lee, PT, PhD
Program Co-Director
Professor & Chair, SFSU

Theresa Jaramillo, PT, MS, DPT
Associate Program Director
Clinical Professor, UCSF

A full list of all Department of Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Science faculty can be found here.

Course Directors

The following faculty members direct the core courses in the DPT program curriculum.


Vincent Ann, PT, DPT
PT 219AB: Pain Science for PTs

Elise Armstrong, PT, DPT
PT 400ABC: Grand Rounds

Ivan Arriaga-Martinez, PT, DPT
PT 741: Musculoskeletal Pathokinesiology I


Jessica Bath, PT, DPT, PhD
ANA 207: Neuroscience
PT 419ABC: Research Seminars I-III
PT 908: Professional Colloquium

Stephen Baxter, PT, DPT
PT 410: Integrated Clinical Experience

Tamar Brand-Perez
PT 706: Structure, Function, Motion in PT


Paul Carlisle, PT, DPT
PT 736: Ecological & Organizational Issues in Rehab

Victor Cheuy, PhD
PT 251AB: Research Design I & II


Alexander Dien, PT, DPT
PT 710: Neurological Pathokinesiology I


Luc Fecteau, PT, DPT
PT 218CD: Therapeutic Exercise III & IV


Lisa Hayes, PT, DPT, CCS
PT 418, PT 801/2: Full-Time Clinical Experiences


Danny Keller, PT, DPT
PT 110: Ortho & Rehab: Diagnosis & Treatment

Kai Kennedy, PT, DPT
PT 215/16AB: Compassion, Accountability, Responsibillity, Excellence (CARE) I & II

Jennifer Kinder, PT, MS, DPTSc
PT 200ABC: Neuromusculoskeletal Anatomy I-III
PT 204AB: Pathophysiology for PTs I & II
PT 205: Functional Anatomy Review


Jordan LaBrec, PT, DPT
PT 202: Therapeutic Modalities

Jet Lee, PT, PhD
PT 700: Multisystem Pathokinesiology

Lucy Lotz, PT, DPT
PT 111: Neuro & Rehab: Diagnosis & Treatment

Andrew Lui, PT, DPT
PT 112C: Motor Control Across Lifespan: Geriatrics
PT 218AB: Therapeutic Exercise I & II


Matt Miller, PT, DPT, PhD
PT 735/37: Psychosocial Issues in Rehab Sci I & II


Casey Nesbit, PT, DPT, DSc
PT 112B: Motor Control Across Lifespan: Pediatrics
PT 209AB/910: Evidence-Based Practice
PT 704: Ed, Health Promot, Wellness, Prevention
PT 711: Neurological Pathokinesiology III


Sam Pak, PT, DPT
PT 214: Admin & Organization in PT

Sarah Pawlowsky, PT, DPT
PT 742/43: Musculoskeletal Pathokinesiology II & III

Erica Pitsch, PT, MPT, DPT
PT 112A: Motor Control Across Lifespan Intro
PT 213: Neurological Pathokinesiology II


Alison Scheid, PT, DPT
PT 207: Medical Screening for PTs

Richard Souza, PT, PhD
PT 210: Radiology for PTs


Sara Temple, PT, DPT
PT 201: PT Assessment: Principles & Practice


Sharon Youmans, PharmD, MPH (School of Pharmacy)
PT 211: Pharmacology for PTs

Associated Faculty

Course Instructors in the core DPT curriculum also include: