Outpatient Faculty Practices
Offering expert physical therapy consultation from specialists in orthopedics, sports, neurology, vestibular disorders, and geriatrics.

The Outpatient Physical Therapy Faculty Practice offers expert physical therapy consultations, evaluations, and interventions to patients of all ages for musculoskeletal and neuromusculoskeletal problems impacting function.

Our providers are certified specialists in orthopedics, sports, neurology, vestibular disorders, and geriatrics. Many of our providers specialize in working with patients with musculoskeletal injuries of the extremities, spine problems, chronic pain, hemophilia, injured athletes, injured workers, and patients with neurological issues and degenerative conditions. Practice providers also perform ergonomic evaluations at the work site. All providers adhere to the Ethical Code of Conduct and Standards of Practice of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) and to UCSF Medical Staff bylaws, and conform to the scope of practice and licensure laws and regulations for physical therapy practice in California.

Patients may access adult and pediatric therapy services by referral from another health provider (usually a physician).

Make an appointment

Adult services

Email [email protected]
Call (415) 353-7598

UCSF Physical Therapy Outpatient Clinics

UCSF Physical Therapy at Bayfront

UCSF Physical Therapy Faculty Practice, Mission Bay

UCSF Physical Therapy Faculty Practice, Mount Zion

UCSF Physical Therapy Clinic at Lakeshore

Pediatric services

Pelvic health specialty

Please contact the main Physical Therapy clinic via phone or email to schedule a pelvic PT appointment at any of the locations below: 415-353-7598; [email protected].

Mt. Zion

UCSF Women’s Health Center: 2356 Sutter street, 5th floor, 7th floor

Mission Bay

  • UCSF Center for Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery Clinic: 1500 Owens street, 3rd floor
  • Bayfront Physical Therapy Clinic: 520 Illinois Street, 3nd floor


Berkeley Outpatient Center: 3100 San Pablo Avenue 4th floor, Berkeley, CA 94702

Inpatient services

Outpatient services

In each therapy discipline, we provide consultation, evaluation, intervention and patient/family education to resolve identified impairments and to maximize patients' physical function. The range of services provided includes consultation, patient evaluation, treatment planning, and physical therapy interventions.

If the initial evaluation findings are consistent with the pre-existing or referring diagnosis, treatment goals are established and a treatment plan is designed and initiated with the consent of the patient. If not, the therapist will consult the referring physician prior to initiating therapy. Achievement of goals is the primary method utilized by therapists to assess effectiveness of therapeutic interventio

Specialized services

We offer an array of specialized services at our PhysFit Physical Therapy Health & Wellness Center, including RunFit. In collaboration with UCSF Orthopaedic Institute, we also provide a multidisciplinary RunSafe program for injury prevention and analysis.