UCSF and SFSU Diversity Statements and Principles of Community

UCSF and SFSU Campus Administrative Policies


Alcohol Policies
UCSF Graduate Division Alcohol and Other Drug Policy; SFSU Alcohol Policy. All student registered campus organizations (RCOs) and student government groups are also required to abide by the UCSF Alcohol Policy for Student Registered Campus Organizations and Student Governments.


California Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act (CANRA)
UC policy complies with its obligations under CANRA; CSU policy complies with its obligations under CANRA

Campus Activities, Organizations, Student Policies
UCSF Policies Applying to Campus Activities, Organizations, and Students (PACAOS) and the SFSU Student Activities page have information about student groups and events. Some campus areas are governed by UCSF policies on the use of campus public spaces and special use areas.

Campus Climate Reporting
UCSF and SFSU value diversity, affirm the inherent dignity of every person, and uphold communities of justice. If you experience or observe behavior that is inconsistent with our Principles of Community, you can report it via the UC systemwide intolerance report form or read more about the SF State Campus Climate Initiative here.

Code of Conduct Policies
UCSF Policy on Student Conduct and Discipline adjudicates violations that occur on the UCSF campuses or if a violation occurs off-campus;
SFSU Standards for Student Conduct adjudicates violations that occur on the SFSU campus.

If you need or want to report an incident involving another student at SFSU, please refer to the SFSU Office of Student Conduct resources; at UCSF, refer to the filing a complaint section of the student conduct and discipline policy.